This lady sold me some coupons online for a free package of Huggies diapers. And the coupon states not to exceed the amount of $26.99. It's for a free box of diapers free with no purchased needed. I gave one of my friends the coupons to go get some diapers for me at Walmart, and Walmart told him that these coupons are not allowed and he had to sign a paper that he is never allowed in a Walmart again and how they want to run an investigation on this. So they did a police report and got all his information down. I have used them before at HEB, Kmart and Target..This is pretty scary, I had no clue the coupons were copies...What do you think??? I am scared, this is not my fault. I dont have any proof because the emails that i sent to the lady and the ones that she sent back to me are erased since they from way earlier this year..I had her address and name but I threw the envelope that the coupons came in, away. What can I do???Huggies Diaper Coupons Fake?
Anything you get or buy on the internet should be suspected fraud.
Who's to say that the coupons are real and Wal-mart made a huge mistake in denying them.
Who's to say that the coupons are fake and HEB, K-mart and Target made a mistake in accepting them.
The can investigate all they want, THEY have to prove criminal intent.
Wal-mart's policies are to try to get as much from the tax payer as possible by not paying their employees a decent wage and health care coverage, getting as much tax incentives from the cities where they like to build their stores, destroy small business and hold everyone hostage to their policies. If you get a chance and the Discover Channel airs the program, Watch what Wal-mart does. People are turning against them. They used to advertise American made or American assembled products about 7 years ago. Not anymore. 90% of their products (non-grocery) are made in China or some other foreign country. And it's cheap quality for the prices they are charging.Huggies Diaper Coupons Fake?
Nothing as nothing will happen. But not to worry - if the police investigate you they will find the emails as they are still on your computer. Nothing is really deleted.
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